【混淆】impress 原來這樣用
“The little girl died in the movie. It is really impressive. That is why I remembe it.” 語意錯誤,發現了嗎?
Impressed & impressive (adj) 感到欽佩而印象深刻
- be impressed by someone or something; something impress(es/ed) someone
- 當形容詞 adj. e.g. I was impressed by the girl’s maturity. 我對這個女孩的成熟度感欽佩
- 當動詞 v. e.g. The girl’s maturity really impressed me. 這女孩的成熟度欽佩了我
- impressive (adj) 某個人事令人欽佩的、有聲有色的、使人讚嘆敬畏的
- e.g. He has an impressive collection of vintage jeans. 他的古著牛仔褲收藏很令人讚嘆
- e.g. The most impressive part of the movie is that there is no backgroud music. 這部電影最令人讚嘆的是它沒有背景音樂
- impressed & impressive 都是形容詞,有差別嗎?有,注意主詞。
- something is impressive to someone 某人對某事感欽佩
- someone is impressed by something 語意同上
- The numbre is impressive to me. = I am impressed by the number.
💡 文法延伸:impressed vs. impressive 的文法差別等同於 excited vs. exciting、interested vs. exciting、scared vs. scary 等等之間的插別。
impression 名詞用法才是重頭戲
- I am under the impression that… 我大概有這種印象(模糊、婉轉)
- e.g. I am under the impression that Americans like burgers. Is that true? 我有這種印象,美國人喜歡吃漢堡,是真的嗎?
- e.g. I was under the impression that Amy was going to take this task. 我好像記得Amy要接這個工作。(這看口氣可能有諷刺、背後捅一刀的意味)
- first impression of something or someone 對某人事的第一印象(中性)
- e.g. What was the first impression you had of your girlfriend? 你對你女友的第一印象是甚麼?
- e.g. Her first impression of the country was ruined by the terrible taxi driver. 她對這個國家的第一印象被這個糟糕的計程車司機搞砸了。
- give someone an impression of… 給人某種印象(中性)
- e.g. He gave people the impression of wanting to help. 他給人一種樂於助人的印象。
- leave an impression on someone 在心中留下某種深刻印象(中性)
- e.g. The mayor left an impression on me. 這市長在我心中留印象。
- make an impression on someone 創造某種好的深刻印象(正面)
- e.g. The candidate made impression on the audience. People believed he would be the one. 參選人在觀眾心中留下好印象,人們相信他會是對的人選。
Pop Quiz: impressed, impressive, or impression?
- What is _______________ about the show is the writing. 這個劇厲害的地方是台詞。